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Room size: 550 sqft m2
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- This element represents expansion and enhancement.
- Space induces knowledge and awareness to understand new ideas.
Room size: 750 sqft m2
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- The most powerful of all elements.
- The Earth is our source of stability.
- It represents balance.
Room size: Approx. 380 sqft m2
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- The most basic connection to life.
- Air represents growth and is associated with movement, joy and happiness.
Room size: Approx 400 sqft. m2
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- This element is a huge life force.
- Water has cleansing abilities and represents clarity, flow and continuity.
Room size: Approx. 350 sqft m2
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- The driving force behind all life processes.
- When in a balanced state, Fire induces power, fame and wealth.
Room size: Approx. 650 sqft m2
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- The driving force behind all life processes.
- When in a balanced state, Fire induces power, fame and wealth.